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 #63934  by Akimoto
I will attempt to make this in 3D:

Looks fairly simple. And I need a break from creating that... blue flying head rotating slowly project tutorial.

We'll see how it goes...

EDIT: So far, because I suck at this, It's harder than !"#%&. I will have to learn more techniques! Making the model looks smooth is a pain in the %¤#".
Last edited by Akimoto on Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #63942  by Tidus
failure? i think not!

 #63971  by Akimoto
Tidus wrote:failure? i think not!
It's hell I tell you! I need to learn how to cut models into models! *continues on the blue rotating head project tutorial*

 #63981  by BadWolf
I've been wondering aki, are u intending on modeling for a game? JA perhaps?

if so you need to take poly and vert count into consideration XD

as for cutting into a model, do you mean extending features such as facial wrinkles? or do u mean things like helmets? if it's the later then I would recamend making those things from scratch and putting them together :\

 #64006  by Akimoto
Senbou wrote:I've been wondering aki, are u intending on modeling for a game? JA perhaps?

if so you need to take poly and vert count into consideration XD

as for cutting into a model, do you mean extending features such as facial wrinkles? or do u mean things like helmets? if it's the later then I would recamend making those things from scratch and putting them together :\
No I mean like making 2 huge horns, then you have a perfect head without holes to put it in. And i suck at deleting and putting it together because it get all "wrinkles", which i do not want, I want a smooth surface.

 #64007  by Akimoto
Senbou wrote:I've been wondering aki, are u intending on modeling for a game? JA perhaps?

if so you need to take poly and vert count into consideration XD

as for cutting into a model, do you mean extending features such as facial wrinkles? or do u mean things like helmets? if it's the later then I would recamend making those things from scratch and putting them together :\
EDIT: If i were to make this for JKA i could just make a square head, put some texture on it and it would look just as good as any other JKA model :P

No, I have no plans as of this moment to model for any game. At the moment, I am focusing on getting my skill up.

EDIT2: Actually, I might. I might just need the motivation & feedback one gets after having released a "good" model/weapon/whatever for JKA... Maybe.

 #64036  by BadWolf
lol ok

well for horns, why not make a seperate piece, like a cylinder, make one end pointed and curve it and all that jazz
then place it where u want on the head

course i may still not be getting what u mean :P

 #64038  by Akimoto
Senbou wrote:lol ok

well for horns, why not make a seperate piece, like a cylinder, make one end pointed and curve it and all that jazz
then place it where u want on the head

course i may still not be getting what u mean :P
It was an example. I have no intention of making horns. Also making horns would be just as easy as making cup n dishes for a table, which is easy :P