So what if i'm inactive?! Doesn't mean I can't do this!
As I said in my previous leaving post, I rethought it.
I came to the conclusion that it would be best if I did leave -[KR]-.
Know this, this is not a leave on impulse, and it isn't any of you. It's me
All of you were nice to me, forgave my mistakes, and treated me like family. I will never forget that.
But the time has come for me to move on. I'll still be on the server (once i get a new pc) as active as i was and all. I just want to feel like an equal to every1 on the server. I got rather sick of people being afraid of me/thinking i had control over them because I was a clan member and an admin.
My friends, and my brother
keep this clan alive \m/
Long live Knights Reborn.
As I said in my previous leaving post, I rethought it.
I came to the conclusion that it would be best if I did leave -[KR]-.
Know this, this is not a leave on impulse, and it isn't any of you. It's me

All of you were nice to me, forgave my mistakes, and treated me like family. I will never forget that.
But the time has come for me to move on. I'll still be on the server (once i get a new pc) as active as i was and all. I just want to feel like an equal to every1 on the server. I got rather sick of people being afraid of me/thinking i had control over them because I was a clan member and an admin.
My friends, and my brother

Long live Knights Reborn.