Rach wrote:it seems unfair to me that i waited an extra month to take my tiriles in the first place. and now becuse greed is unable to get on eny longer i have no traner. and u want to penalize me for hes unfortanit computer malfunchon. to demote me back to padwan just to wast my time with stuff i already know. yes i could be better just like eny one els on this game...
I'm sorry, your language made me think otherwise.
Yes, the situation is complete and utter B.S. You've been very patient until now, when you seem to just wanna give up, sit back, and gripe. Just send Jaw or Pho or Rav a PM, they're human and will give ya fair thought, as well as Mercy. I always have fun seeing you server-side, and I've seen ya get better and better, too, so you obviously know what you're doing (our last duel where you won proved that
Just please be fair to the Council, they've got rules to go by, but they aren't heartless. Hence why they're still willing to give you a master while you stay at rank, even though it's at Mercy's cost, and that does stink royally. So, maybe a PM isn't so out of the question?