Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #62163  by Lothar
Why the hell are there so many imposters going about atm?....

Really has crime come to kr = P

 #62164  by blacki
they shall die by the guillotine! :)
 #62166  by Phoenix
^ZeN wrote:Why the hell are there so many imposters going about atm?....

Really has crime come to kr = P
No-one can really answer that question. It's just an increase of people that clearly don't have anything better to do then to pretend to be someone else. Also it's not just KR that's having the problem, as indicated from the posts from CoF and JAWA.

 #62174  by Pyra
That's why we have three options for impersonators, each suited to the particular liking of a clan member:
First off, we have the Ban-Hammer, a standard classic in knocking some sense into anyone who thinks they can get away with such blatant crimes.
Next we have the Ban-Cannon, for those who like a little more oomph in their send-offs. Nothing can put a smile on your face quite like lighting the fuse and yelling "Fire!"
Finally, there is the Ban-zooka, the high-tech way to send impersonators off in a flaming heap of fail.
All of these can be yours for, not $19.99, not $15.99, but a mere $3200.99!! *WARNING*: Ban-Hammer, Ban-Cannon, and Ban-zooka are all owned by Arbis and Council, must be Arbi or older to use.

In all seriousness, I wonder how these impersonators are reacting to CoF, JAWA, and KR communicating about this in cooperation, if they're even bothering to react at all.

 #62180  by Reflex
Its the first sign of the apocalyptic fall of JKA.


 #62181  by Necros
Pyra wrote:That's why we have three options for impersonators, each suited to the particular liking of a clan member:
First off, we have the Ban-Hammer, a standard classic in knocking some sense into anyone who thinks they can get away with such blatant crimes.
Next we have the Ban-Cannon, for those who like a little more oomph in their send-offs. Nothing can put a smile on your face quite like lighting the fuse and yelling "Fire!"
Finally, there is the Ban-zooka, the high-tech way to send impersonators off in a flaming heap of fail.
All of these can be yours for, not $19.99, not $15.99, but a mere $3200.99!! *WARNING*: Ban-Hammer, Ban-Cannon, and Ban-zooka are all owned by Arbis and Council, must be Arbi or older to use.

In all seriousness, I wonder how these impersonators are reacting to CoF, JAWA, and KR communicating about this in cooperation, if they're even bothering to react at all.
I lol'd

 #62186  by ForteGigasGos
I find it funny when they think we don't relieve they aren't who they say they are. There are clear indications of who is who. Some clan members even know others personally.