Show off your sexy skins and models here!

Moderator: Key

 #62018  by jawfin
Dubbed the pink hug ninja - stealth hug attacks a specialty.

From this designation I decided to build a skin (from the ground up) to suit.

So, here it is
/model Ahsoka

Note the sakura on the back!

It also supports team colors
/model Ahsoka/red

/model Ahsoka/blue

Also, a bonus secondary skin, with a ninja styled head wrap
/model AhsokaMask

The mask skin also supports teams
/model AhsokaMask/red
/model AhsokaMask/blue

And, my usual trademark, the flashy eyes!

And finally, the avatar
Which also supports the wrap skin and team color.

So, get it from
Unzip the .pk3 into the base folder, as per usual.

Thanks to Ahsoka and Pyra for ideas, skin and color checking :)
Last edited by jawfin on Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

 #62020  by ForteGigasGos
Nice job, and maybe she won't be as much of a lamer/hug spammer magnet.

(off topic: Jaw, what map is that?)

 #62022  by Falcon
Very impressive. Looks great :)
 #62034  by Ahsoka
YAY thanks so much Jaw! :)

 #62039  by Zabuza
very...purpley :P

looks great!

 #62047  by Pyra
I did nothing but say "lol, purdy!1!" :P
Good job, Jaw and Ahsoka ^^

 #62055  by blacki
lol that hawt!..i mean the skin XD remind me pandy XD

 #62059  by Akimoto
I.... Approve!! :P

 #62064  by Phreedom
Why is every1 getting custom skins now?! Nicely done jawsus.

 #62070  by Necros
Phreedom wrote:Why is every1 getting custom skins now?! Nicely done jawsus.
Cuz default skins r b teh lame.

 #62080  by Greed
Necros wrote:
Phreedom wrote:Why is every1 getting custom skins now?! Nicely done jawsus.
Cuz default skins r b teh lame.
Nowai! Snowtroopers pwn ><

 #62090  by Pyra
Necros wrote:
Phreedom wrote:Why is every1 getting custom skins now?! Nicely done jawsus.
Cuz default skins r b teh lame.

 #62095  by KuroTsubasa
Nice Job! The second glowing eye's pic looks epic, lol. It should totally be the avatar, XD.

 #62129  by jawfin
Small fix for those that want to download it: -
I corrected some of the taunts, which are in fact Young Nala from The Lion King.

I have also put the skin on the KR master list
and on the skins download section