Ok, way back about ten million years ago I posted about these JA shortcuts that i made... either that... or i imagined it, but either way, here's my most recent thing.
I have moddified the play_japlus.bat files some more, and now they are even better shortcuts then before. I have one that launches JA+ and then connects to KR1 and another that connects to KR2. But, that's not all. Now, they also launch my kill tracker at the same time. Jam's KT V3 does have an option to launch with windows, but that's annoying cuz, 1) it takes awhile, and 2) you might not be turning your computer on to play JA.
The modification i made to this will start your KT (or any other program u want it to i suppose) and start JA. By the time JA finishes loading, your KT is all set and ready to go. I feel that it is a very convienient shortcut. No, i suppose it doesn't take that long to click on the shortcut for your KT and then the shortcut to JA, but hey, i'm lazy, so it works for me.
If anyone is interested in these, i will post the instructions for them (this post is getting too long already). I will post the text for it, so you will only have to copy it into notepad and save it under the right name.
I know this isn't a major scientific breakthrough or anything, but if i can open my kill tracker, load JA+ and connect to the KR Server in one simple step, i can save about 0.3 seconds each time I open JA. Wow, 0.3 seconds!! Thats just about enough time to travel to another planet through the stargate or something. Just think of all the planets u could have traveled to by now if u hadn't spent so much time opening things seperately!
I have moddified the play_japlus.bat files some more, and now they are even better shortcuts then before. I have one that launches JA+ and then connects to KR1 and another that connects to KR2. But, that's not all. Now, they also launch my kill tracker at the same time. Jam's KT V3 does have an option to launch with windows, but that's annoying cuz, 1) it takes awhile, and 2) you might not be turning your computer on to play JA.
The modification i made to this will start your KT (or any other program u want it to i suppose) and start JA. By the time JA finishes loading, your KT is all set and ready to go. I feel that it is a very convienient shortcut. No, i suppose it doesn't take that long to click on the shortcut for your KT and then the shortcut to JA, but hey, i'm lazy, so it works for me.
If anyone is interested in these, i will post the instructions for them (this post is getting too long already). I will post the text for it, so you will only have to copy it into notepad and save it under the right name.
I know this isn't a major scientific breakthrough or anything, but if i can open my kill tracker, load JA+ and connect to the KR Server in one simple step, i can save about 0.3 seconds each time I open JA. Wow, 0.3 seconds!! Thats just about enough time to travel to another planet through the stargate or something. Just think of all the planets u could have traveled to by now if u hadn't spent so much time opening things seperately!