Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #60944  by blacki
this dude is soo but soo retarded... somebody need to give him some ritalin

 #60958  by Phreedom

 #60964  by Rugg
oh look it's Fred's cousin

 #60969  by Pyra
No, no laughter. :x Just annoying to the point of grating my teeth.

 #60974  by Seraphim
hmm... the only thing i find funny in the vid is that he looks like smeagle, or however u spell that, durin most of the production.... what i cant help laughin at is Pyras avatar :lol:

its so funny that im gonna stay here watchin it a couple of times :D

 #61057  by Melissa
He needs to a sharp knee to the groin dropping him to the floor

Then he wont need to speed his video up