Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #60914  by Mercy
wow too cool

 #60923  by Akimoto
Lilith wrote:It's your fault, Jawfin, it's your fault.

hmm looks like one of those radiation suits! With a flaming sword! GAH!! 8)

 #60925  by BadWolf
hurm, paint me :D

your pretty good XD

 #60959  by Lilith
Akimoto wrote:
Lilith wrote:It's your fault, Jawfin, it's your fault.

hmm looks like one of those radiation suits! With a flaming sword! GAH!! 8)
You say radiation suits and the first thing I think of are those zombies in L4D2 in those biohazard suits.

 #60966  by Necros
Lilith wrote:
Akimoto wrote:
Lilith wrote:It's your fault, Jawfin, it's your fault.

hmm looks like one of those radiation suits! With a flaming sword! GAH!! 8)
You say radiation suits and the first thing I think of are those zombies in L4D2 in those biohazard suits.
*cough*Cuz you're addicted*cough*