Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #60498  by Lilith
Here are some things I have taken pictures of.

Cat Sitting On Harry Potter in Chinese

I do love her when she's not tearing my face off

The pile of miscellaneous stuff next to my bed

My Broken Toenail (doesn't look too bad)

On the way to my evening class

On the way home from evening class

And then I was playing with the settings a little too much

 #60501  by Seraphim
hmm... ur a mess woman :?

 #60503  by Lilith
Meh, all the interesting things were in the messy bits.

You should have seen my desk two days ago, though.

 #60509  by blacki
GODamn! i cant believe you live in that CHAOS! XD

 #60512  by SilentOne
And i thought hatchets room was messy :shock:

 #60513  by Hatchetman
SilentOne wrote:And i thought hatchets room was messy :shock:
shhhhh now everyone knows o:

seriously is that a huge machete or what?!?!?!

 #60515  by SilentOne
Hatchetman wrote:
SilentOne wrote:And i thought hatchets room was messy :shock:
shhhhh now everyone knows o:

seriously is that a huge machete or what?!?!?!
/facepalm get off my desktop!!! :x i dont have jka on it though

 #60518  by Lilith
Hatchetman wrote:
SilentOne wrote:And i thought hatchets room was messy :shock:
shhhhh now everyone knows o:

seriously is that a huge machete or what?!?!?!
It's my knife.

 #60519  by Lilith
This is what the pull out drawer on my desk has on it at the moment.

 #60523  by Mercy
lol goo...

 #60524  by Lilith
Mercy wrote:lol goo...
I was going to give it to my sister, and then I found out that she is afraid of it. So I took out the frog in the goo (the reason I got it for her in the first place) and kept the goo for myself.

I do like squishing it.

 #60525  by Seraphim
damn, i was gonna start commentin about that knife :(, hachet u took my line of thinkin, damn.

now for the moster :lol:... ur gonna die drinkin that thing, u should go for coffie instead. u might be better off drinkin the Hydrogen Peroxide, used for ur foot, than drinkin that thing.

PS: thing = ???

 #60528  by Lilith

Which part, Dante?

 #60529  by blacki
wait a minute! :?...a knife and a broken did you broke ur toenail?...i bet that the knife fault XD

 #60530  by Zabuza
Clean. Your. Room.

zomgs u have WoW too??

 #60537  by Lilith
Yeah, I got it to play with my sister.

And I have been cleaning my room, it just looks messy until I'm done (not even joking). Everything ends up in a communal area until I put it where I want it to go, so: messy.

And I hit my toe with a door.

Who would be stupid enough to cut their toenail open, I wonder.