Post your signatures and avatars here.
 #58366  by Legion
OK so tell me which one is the best: 1,2,3, or 4; and ill use that one =)





 #58367  by ForteGigasGos
3 looks cool, 4 I think is the best. They're all good too.

 #58377  by BadWolf
again, nice to know i wasted my time

those all look great, i would go with 2 i spose

 #58383  by Akimoto
#2!! (Its smaller, takes less time to load and looks better because its smaller lol)

 #58387  by Necros
Senbou wrote:again, nice to know i wasted my time

those all look great, i would go with 2 i spose
Sometimes people do want a change of pace Sen. I don't keep my sig as the same picture all the time. So you can't really blame Storm for wanting something a lil different displayed. So, it doesn't necessarily mean you wasted your time, cuz who knows, maybe some time in the future he'll go back to using the sig you made.

*Note: That's your sig you made his avatar isn't it?*

 #58391  by Akimoto
*cough* Lemme know if anyone wants a different kinda of sig~ ^_^

 #58393  by blacki
1 and 2 are nice

 #58426  by BadWolf
Necros wrote:
Senbou wrote:again, nice to know i wasted my time

those all look great, i would go with 2 i spose
Sometimes people do want a change of pace Sen. I don't keep my sig as the same picture all the time. So you can't really blame Storm for wanting something a lil different displayed. So, it doesn't necessarily mean you wasted your time, cuz who knows, maybe some time in the future he'll go back to using the sig you made.

*Note: That's your sig you made his avatar isn't it?*
correction nec, storm NEVER used the one i made him, thats his own sig that he made