Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #58270  by Hime
I am proud to present out new Knight...Storm!!

I was the one who trialed him earlier and thx for Rugg and S1 to assist me

Nerco (Storm's master) was watching the whole time

So let's welcome our newest Knight!

Be Nice guys

 #58271  by Evan
grats storm

 #58273  by Pyra
Woohoo, Storm! <(^_^)>

 #58274  by blacki
gongratz stormy :P

 #58276  by Rugg
grats storm! great job!

 #58277  by Kioshi
gratz stormeh

 #58281  by Akimoto

 #58289  by Phreedom
Gratz buddy!

 #58290  by Necros
Jawfin wrote:Well done Storm, nice work :)

And to Nerco too, wtg bud!

Btw, anyone get the results of the trial? jw
It was 5/5 and 8/10.

Congrats mate, you done me proud...even if you were pretty much ready for Knights when you were just a Padawan :P Make sure to make your Padawan proud.

 #58292  by Delev
Congratulations Storm :)

 #58296  by Wolferion

 #58298  by ForteGigasGos
Congratulations Sir Storm *kneels*

 #58339  by Falcon
Congrats :)