Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #57836  by Falcon
Senbou and myself trialed Phreedom today, and I very happy to say that he passed.

Status: Passed

Knight Trial for Phreedom

Trialer : Falcon
Assistant : Senbou

1 vs 1:

1. Lost --(Falcon)
2. Won --(Senbou)
3. Won --(Falcon)
4. Won --(Senbou)
5. Won --(Falcon)
6. Won --(Senbou)
7. Lost --(Falcon)
8. Won --(Senbou)
9. Lost --(Falcon - Masters level)
10. Lost --(Senbou - Masters level)

2 vs 1:

1. Won
2. Lost
3. Won
4. Lost
5. Lost --(Masters level)

Final result: Won 6 / 10 (1 vs 1) & Won 2 / 5 (2 vs 1)

Congrats Phree :) you have made Jato proud

~Rosters updated~

 #57837  by Greed
XD jato missed it!!
GJ bro

 #57839  by Jato
lol u little sob! u get me up last night only 2 quit out and then u take it without me, u better run and hide boy! lol gratz, and hey i tried 2 keep my promise on being at the knights but ur dead

 #57846  by Phreedom
Jato wrote:lol u little sob! u get me up last night only 2 quit out and then u take it without me, u better run and hide boy! lol gratz, and hey i tried 2 keep my promise on being at the knights but ur dead
I couldnt help it! I crashed!!! :( and i just got 2 things 2 say 2 u jato...
1. ty
2. U DONT FRIGHTEN ME!!!! come at me with all u got! I'll destroy u!!!!


 #57847  by blacki
good job bud /amgive you some whiskey shooters hide it ...:P

 #57855  by Necros
Congrats Phreedom, and gj Jato mate, congrats on your Guardianship.

Btw, I think you missed updating Jato's status there Rav ;)

 #57860  by Jato
*update* I hunted and keelt phreedom! ;)

 #57876  by Phreedom
Isnt it hilarious when ninjas fall for decoys? :lol:

 #57878  by Delev
Congrats phree :)

 #57879  by NinjaSarah
Congratumalations. :o

 #57880  by Akimoto

 #57882  by Rugg
grats phree!

 #57883  by Wolferion
Congratulations =)

 #57885  by Pyra
Congrats, Phree. :D

 #58010  by echo
congrats phree

 #58027  by Evan
grats :D

 #58032  by Phreedom
Thank you all!! I <3 u all!(or at least most of u... lol jk)