OK, since im attempting to get more experience in 3D modeling im opening up a sword shop for anybody whos interested 
so yeah, comment here or send me a PM if you want a weapon
be sure to include some ref pics plzkthnx
also, specify if you want it to replace a weapon on JA ^^

so yeah, comment here or send me a PM if you want a weapon
be sure to include some ref pics plzkthnx
also, specify if you want it to replace a weapon on JA ^^
Sword for Zabuza
Zabuza Sword
what it looks like on modview
the sword in staff style{doesnt actually work as staff style, its more of a locked single-staff glitch >.>}
single saber yellow style ^^
a cane for Fazz
Pimp Cane
the cane in-active
amkneal XD
active cane ^^
dual_2 replacement, full staff
ok, well i liked doing this i guess, had some troubles though ><
to use the sword type /saber cane or /saber dual_2
A Claymore for Exceed
On the Ground
Red Stance
On the Back, Inactive
Mid Swing Effect {technically its not an effect, more like the lack of a specific effect}
Clockwork Sword
This was an experiment in dynamic shaders, i wanted to see if I could make something animated without making an actually animated 3D model. The gears are a series of multiple flat planes with the same image layered on top of each other, allowing me to animate the picture and giving the flat images a 3 dimensional illusion.
Download this Demo to see the shader work in action, save it in you gamedata/japlus/demos folder.
Grey Fox's Ninjato
Our old member Arios requested this sword and requested I make it able to replace an existing base saber.
In the saber Menu, the sword replaces single_6
In-game model replace
Custom saber trail made to be similar to the one from MGS, unfortunately this is applied to all swords that use a trail
Small Cloud Buster Sword
I think Cloud asked for this one, a standard sized blade of clouds buster, not sure if i like how it looks. I made it replace single_5
In-game Menu
In-game model replace
Giant Foam Finger
As requested, giant foam finger
Replaces single_8 until we {maybe} get it on server
Last edited by BadWolf on Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:09 am, edited 8 times in total.

~Come to bring the Lady of Time to her final destination, The Big Bad Wolf~