Check out what is happening with the servers!


 #57037  by Greed
cant believe no1 posted yet but
Server go down at around 1:13 est D:

 #57038  by ForteGigasGos
I was gonna say something, then saw this.

And I can't get on KR 2, I don't know the password v.v

 #57040  by NinjaSarah
D: Why did it crash?

 #57041  by ForteGigasGos
And its still not back up. Raven was even on to

 #57042  by NinjaSarah
It's a conspiracy! D:<

 #57043  by BadWolf
Gospel wrote:And I can't get on KR 2, I don't know the password v.v
generally invitees arent able to go to our private server, unless invited to join us for a clan night or other reasons ;)
you will be able to go there whenever u wish when ur accepted D:

i blame rav, im sure she spawned something like last time and is about to blame it on jaw again :D

 #57046  by Starcomand
raven cant reset server i have it reset now :)

 #57048  by Phreedom
4 and a half cheers 4 star! Hip Hip!! HOORAY!! Hip hip!! HOORAY!!! Hip!! Hoo!!!!