Who's at what rank?
 #54895  by dent
I would like to be echo's master (AGAIN :roll:) so echo post in here lol

 #54896  by echo
ya its true. i told dent to get on here and post now that he's gona be my master, srs bzness.

 #54901  by Darfin

 #54905  by Phreedom
GL with the training pholks!

 #54906  by Falcon
Lol just like old times huh guys?

Good luck...again

 #54915  by FlapJack23
Good luck!

 #54918  by Greed
Good luck!

 #54921  by Jato
This is all 2 familiar? Gl u 2!

 #54967  by Delev
Good luck.

 #54973  by Akimoto
gl :P