Post your signatures and avatars here.
 #5110  by Squall
well made a new one C&C's pls

 #5111  by GRYPHON
Really Nice!!! :) i love it ^^

 #5142  by virus
nice :D
 #5169  by Akimoto
Blade wrote:well made a new one C&C's pls
I got this de'javu... ><

Nice sig! :!:

 #5280  by Grimm
great one blade, how are u so good at backgrounds!!

 #5337  by Wolferion
Nice sigs man! He is good at backgrounds, as he were making a graphic things a long time, used tutorials and improved by making them on web page and signatures...

 #5449  by Gatotsu
Yep the background is just neat ;) gj blade