Any scripts you've made or found? Discuss them here.
 #49763  by jawfin
Firstly, if you do a spate of screenshots, but you don't want that "Screenshot Taken" text that appears at the top, then change your bind to
Code: Select all
screenshot silent
Now, as I suffer with high ping, I always have my lagometer on but I don't desire to have it showing on my screenies, so this is my screenshot bind
Code: Select all
bind enter "seta cg_lagometer 0; wait 4; screenshot silent; seta cg_lagometer 1"
Now, the same thing can be done if you wished to hide the chat messages and the crosshair by putting a cg_draw2d 0 before the screenshot; ditto with the cg_showfps.

I have found that you have to wait for 4 frames at least for the game renderer to hide the lagometer, or those other items, thus my wait 4 in my bind.

 #54389  by Aayci Warrick
and this can just be binded in game, or does it need to be in a cfg?

 #54405  by jawfin
In game, as my second code section demonstrates. Just type (or copy/paste) that exactly except for changing the bind key from "enter" to whatever key your screenshot is on