Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #52348  by Kioshi
i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!

you may all run for your lives now.


 #52349  by Darfin

 #52365  by Akimoto
Don't remember...

 #52382  by Delev
Hey kio, saw you on the server yesterday. Welcome back :wink:

 #52409  by Kioshi
Akimoto you wouldn't remember me. you were never on back when i was in KR. I was around back in 2007

 #52416  by Greed
i think i remember u :/

 #52418  by Fazz
hey kioshi

 #52422  by Phreedom
WB kio

 #52440  by Akimoto
Kioshi wrote:Akimoto you wouldn't remember me. you were never on back when i was in KR. I was around back in 2007
I was... 2009 now... Started playing when I was 16, got into KR later that year... 2003. Nope, do not remember you. :)

 #52448  by NinjaSarah
It's Kioshi!! *Runs and glomps* Good to see you!

 #52450  by BadWolf
who're u? XD

wb i guess >.> <.<

 #52451  by Kioshi
NinjaSarah wrote:It's Kioshi!! *Runs and glomps* Good to see you!
/amhug sarah =)

 #52490  by SilentOne
i dont knooooow youuuuuu >.> but anyways wb