Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #52357  by Rugg
he can kick my ass...
that concerns me..
and also tells me that it's time.

i (state your name), being of sound mind (mostly) and body, do hereby declare SilentOne Jedi Adept. 8)

give em hell bro! :twisted:

 #52359  by Falcon
Cool :) Congrats

 #52360  by Necros
Lol Ruggerz.

Way to go S1, show 'em who's boss at Knights in a few weeks ;)

 #52363  by Taipan
Gratz S1

 #52366  by Akimoto

 #52381  by Delev
Congrats S1 :wink:

 #52387  by Eagle
congrats :)

 #52388  by Fazz
grats s1 =), now u just need 2 pwn ur knights =)

 #52414  by NinjaSarah
Congrats! ^_^

 #52420  by Phreedom