Show off your sexy skins and models here!

Moderator: Key

 #49889  by Dirge
This may be a bit much, and if it is not possible that's fine.....
I would like someone to Model none other than, The Undertaker...
if you think this maybe to much for someone to do, if anyone here is experienced in Modeling i wouldn't mind to try it out myself. a tutorial may be nice =]
but if someone is kind enough to make the model and skin, i would love them FOREVER!
either way is fine, im not lazy if someone doesnt mind to make it, please do, if you dont, then tell me how and ill make it ^_^

Many thanks in advance!

Pic of The Undertaker:
and perhaps a Trench coat model too! ^_^:
And a smack down Vs. Raw Model (note the boots):

 #49892  by Falcon
Ya know, I looked for any wrestling models on jk3files and found nothing :(

And Undertaker model would be AMAZING and I will personally love the person who makes one forever :D

 #49893  by Zabuza
i know a few modelers, that might want to do it..

 #49894  by Dirge
woot! are they KR?