Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #48719  by Zabuza
shadowman is ready for his jedi trials!

 #48735  by Falcon
Cool :) gl shad

 #48837  by blacki
gl dude :)

 #48888  by Delev
Good luck! I know youre more than ready :)

 #48914  by ShadowMan
Don't confuse me.

 #48940  by Zabuza
bad padawan bad!! uh *gives cookie*

 #48956  by Sanction
i wish Jaw gave me cookies... =(((

 #49055  by Delev
*puts on jawfin costume*
*gives tiddly cookie*

 #49059  by Fazz
and i thought 1 jawfin was bad enough *horror*, lol j/k, gl shadman, we know u can pass

 #50848  by Zabuza
can someone please do them? :)

 #50855  by Phreedom
Good luck m8! YOO CAAN DOO EET!!!!

 #50857  by jawfin
I see Shadow pretty much everyday - we'll do it next time i see him.

Then all you admin teachers can fight over who does his school

 #50882  by Fazz
*cough* me *cough* :p

gl shadman, we know u can do it, =)

 #50889  by Necros
*Throws rusty frying pan at Fazz* Oh, crap, it seems Fazz has been knocked out, I'll do it :P