Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #48510  by Darfin
This was my snare solo at Solo/Ensemble Competition yesterday. Won straight superiors in every category (Superior = Highest possible score) with distinction (Distinction = Flawless/Played by memory).

Look at my ridiculous facial expressions.

Also this was the Percussion Quartet that we performed. Straight superiors in that too. I'm on the timpani :)

 #48511  by Fazz
grats dar, it sounded like a drum :p, twas very good

 #48514  by Melissa
OMG thats great!!

Your a real talent!!

Love it!

 #48515  by ShadowMan
What did that drum ever do to you? :D

 #48516  by Falcon
Lol. Impressive darfeh. Commented :)

 #48519  by blacki
killing machine!!! haha great job!!! :P

 #48523  by jawfin

Darfin, why aren't you master in dual sabers?? I'm watching your hands and like wth move was that? is that even possible?

[size=0]And no-one click on Fal's username to see what youtube's she's uploaded :P[/size]

 #48526  by Falcon
Discreet jaw. REAL discreet.

 #48527  by Rugg
Dar, you just pwnt the frig out of that!

 #48540  by Kane
Nice! Takes skills to do that like very impressive.

 #48543  by Chantelle
Wow thats very very impressive!

 #48546  by BadWolf
impressive darfeh o.o

i kinda feel sorry the fourth member in the quartet, canthardly see them :(

 #48573  by Cross
Darf your lucky i cant eat you out because i would :o jk

energetic and has nice beats man

you clearly got sucked into that music and it was just you and music there :P nice

 #48582  by Chantelle
Cross wrote:Darf your lucky i cant eat you out because i would :o jk


 #48594  by saunby
Chantelle wrote:
Cross wrote:Darf your lucky i cant eat you out because i would :o jk

I too was thinking that face xD

 #48609  by echo
This is actually really impressive :o

 #48714  by blacki
nice one i love ur frestyle move in the middle of the video good job dude :P

 #48716  by echo
Darfin wrote:
lol *picks up drum and walks away*