Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #47559  by FlapJack23
I'm promoting Vampire to a Jedi Adept, because his four weeks are more then up (sorry) and I think he's ready. :D

 #47565  by Kakashi.Archive
grats vampy

 #47566  by NinjaSarah

 #47579  by Rugg
grats vampiah!!

 #47580  by Wolferion
Congratulations Vamp =)

 #47582  by Fazz
congrats =)

 #47586  by Taipan
Gratz Vamp *cracks open a keg of blood red wine*

 #47795  by Kakashi.Archive
Vampire needs his tags changed. rosters updated

 #47817  by blacki
felicitation vampy!