Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #45517  by Kakashi.Archive
So after getting passed his lag and me with my emp issues and tossing the saber at him every now and then, me and vamp did his Jedi trial which id like to say he passed extremely well, hes obviously known his counters thanks to Flappy..

So id like to welcome our new Duals Jedi Vampy!! hes gotten his welcoming slay already so dont worry!!!


Congrats, obvsiouly even with his absence, flappy taught u something. :P
Last edited by Kakashi.Archive on Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #45520  by Kakashi.Archive
RaVeN wrote:Congratz Vamp :)
~Updated things~
lol i was going into change rosters and i was like "ooh someone already did? o.O" then i was like FORUM NINJA! lol

 #45521  by Wolferion
Congratulations :) Geez, we are getting high population of dual users

 #45522  by Vampire
1 correction - Duals Sith Vampire Image :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lol <3 u all

Dead but alive, Vampire

 #45523  by FlapJack23
Huh, his absence or my absence?

Anyway good job!!! :D

 #45526  by Fazz
congrats vamp

 #45528  by Cross
congratz dude well deserved.

 #45557  by Vampire
Ty all guys :) And the biggest thx to Kak :)
And one question: is Jedi allowed to get admin? :oops: Bc the time i play is lamers time, and more than often there are no admins :evil: :x :cry: :?:

 #45563  by BadWolf

but yush, jedi gets to take admin school :D

grats meh blood suckin bud ;)

 #45593  by Rugg
grats vampiah! :mrgreen:

 #45611  by NinjaSarah
Congratumalations! :D

 #45634  by Kakashi.Archive
Vampire wrote:Ty all guys :) And the biggest thx to Kak :)
And one question: is Jedi allowed to get admin? :oops: Bc the time i play is lamers time, and more than often there are no admins :evil: :x :cry: :?:
*points at Darfin* NOT ME!!!

 #45655  by Vampire
Rofl, bunch of thx to you all - take as much as u need :D

 #45667  by jawfin
Um, did someone miss the boat here?
I passed Vamp on his admin school a couple of days ago
I would of hoped among those people who noticed this would of been Kak, and perhaps Vamp himself?

 #45678  by Vampire
o.o who said anything about admin school? o.o