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 #44591  by jawfin
First thanks to Falcon for suggesting this mod.

And secondly a big thanks to Ninja Sarah, without her help this would not be.

It is actually the effect that comes with the one-winged jetpack mod that is in the Midgar 3 map. The one-winged jetpack unfortunately changes the players animations, so I just extracted the tele part.


Download, extract, and save jawfin_tele.pk3 in the base folder.

Cheers Jawfin

 #44595  by Delev
Congratulations Jawfin :) You have beaten me to an idea of creating a new tele effect.
Good job though 8)

 #44599  by Kakashi.Archive
nice when i get to the comp ill be dling this asap.

 #44606  by Falcon
RaVeN wrote:this will add nicely to my armada of ravens from my fingertips

Ya, the original mod would be perfect if it weren't for the fact that it screws with your anims. But anyway, thank you jaw. I like the cloud over the bolt.

 #44643  by Kakashi.Archive
ooh god

i just relized, everytime Jawfin telefrags me now, its gunna show a big black cloud... D: death by PLAUGE!!

 #44665  by Rugg
this thing frigin awesome :mrgreen: