This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #939  by [E]FrostWolf-SG-
Hello hello ^_~

Since -[KR]-Raven was nice enough to pop by our site and introduce herself and welcome us to the Alliance i thought i would do the same ^_^

Im 24 years old and currently the oldest one in our clan *sighs* I feel soo old -_-;

Im a Sith Guardian in Eternity

Currently learning how to use the Single saber more effective.

Im also the only one in our clan from the wonderful but somewhat cold country called Sweden ^_^

Well you will prolly see me on your servers bye bye for now *waves*


 #941  by RoNin
Hi FrostWolf welcome to our site! ^_^

I'm RoNin aka F'lar.

I'm one of the Jedi council. if you need anything hit me up, I'll do what i can to help you. I hope to meet you and i hope you enjoy your visits to our server :)

 #946  by Phoenix

Ill look forward to meeting you on our server. Like Ronin, I am too a Jedi Council, so if you have any problems or queries, feel free to send me a PM.


 #951  by Akimoto
Welcome [E]! Please feel yourself at home in our forums, but dont forget to take off your shoes before going inside. :)

 #956  by Fluffy
And beware of the dog

 #960  by Tricky
If you're up for some TFFA, grab me on MSN or XFire. :)

 #972  by [E]FrostWolf-SG-
Thanks all ^_^ Ive got a problem tough that i never have encountered before, and it seems like its only concerning your server =( Anyhow im trying to log onto your servers and well i cant. If i put them in my favourites it tells me that the server is offline, tough it should be online. Ive tried to connect through Console but no luck, also downloaded the latest version of JAM KT and added the server there, and what happens ? well the KT dies of unexpected error -_-

I can add other servers to favourites with no prob and join them, also checked and rechecked many times if i got your ip right and yes i have =(
other than this problem my JKA works perfectly =/

Anyone knows what might be wrong ? hopefully i can resolve it otherwise i cant play *sighs* and i really do wish to play with you guys ^-^

 #985  by Pulse
ok thats wierd o.O

 #987  by Phoenix
Problem resolved.

 #991  by Pulse
how did you fix it?

 #994  by [E]FrostWolf-SG-
I have to use a cfg file and type /exec krser *lol* i cannot login any other way =) but oh well im happy that i can play and thanks again Phoenix for the help =)

 #995  by Phoenix
No problem :D

 #998  by Starcomand
hope to see u on server sometime i go by starcomand or evilstar lol

 #1230  by [E]FrostWolf-SG-
Ive been in [E] clan for 7 months now and now its time to move on, ive left the clan due to its decay.

[E] has struggeled to survive ever since i got into the clan but now its dying, people are leaving, council is shrinking, inactivity and so forth. We have managed to keep it alive for quite along time now but i dont think we can manage to keep it alive this time. [E] was a wonderful clan but now its decaying into nothingness..

When i left 4-5 people followed and left aswell, including Diablos (one of council) and other older members are thinking the same thing now.

I still love playing JKA and im going to continue to play on -KR- servers and hopefully one day i can join the ranks of -KR- But for now im satisfied just having somewhere to play and people to talk to ^_~

See ya on the server ^_~


 #1248  by Mutt
I'm the dog...I only bite when I'm angry though ^^

"I can reach the fence in 2.76 seconds...Can you?"

Bwahaha. Anyways, I'm Mutt, and welcome!

 #1256  by Kane
Ello peoples from [E] :D names Kane or Kitty depending on my mood ;) Looking forward to seeing ya and having a little duel and what :D

 #4345  by Gatotsu
Yup hello from me too, though I think many of you already know me but, nevertheless, hello to everybody else too who I haven't met yet ! :D and btw dunno if it says so anywhere on your forum, but Frost returned into the clan shortly after that post ;)
[EDIT] oo and I might also tell you a bit more, I'm 18 years old and live in Finland. I'm also a Councilor of [E]. And, like Frost, I've too been in clan for 7 months now.
Last edited by Gatotsu on Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #4346  by Scythe
hi hi ^^

 #4372  by Grimm
hey frostwolf, Grimm. im an older member but now im just kinda hangin out cuz i left and now on my way back. if luck provails, me and u will be contemporarys for learning. u ever considered learning staff? i was a satff knight but i will have to start over....

hope to see ya on server.


 #4387  by Kakashi.Archive
I sound stupid asking this but what is [E] Ip so that i may go visit at some point...:D

 #4436  by Milamber
we dont have one yet xD we lost our old server

atm im looking into a danish company with my brother, if it doesn't work out il get a server from fun industries

 #4451  by Kakashi.Archive
Ow...that were do u guys hang out then if u dont have your own server to go to...

 #4462  by Lessa
Hello [E] guys XD! nice to see you on forum! You are welcome to our servers whenever you wish till your server issues are solved (and of course after that as well =D).