Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #44472  by RaVeN
Today Jawfin has successfully passed his Master Trial after a couple of failed trial attempts.

Failing a Master's Trial is something to never feel down about. We make it hard for a reason. Jawfin knew this and learned something with each Trial he undertook.

But today was the day he put his lessons into action and successfully clutched his new position and KR's respect.

Many members in the KR clan have known that Jawfin had the skill to be a KR Master. Now he has the title and rank to prove it.

Congratulations Jawfin, you've made KR proud. We hope more members follow in your footsteps :)

Darfin, my assistant, really helped to assure that KR's Master Standards remained in tact by not giving Jawfin an inch during the Trial.

Trial Breakdown:
1v1: 8/10 (Jawfin wanted to do them first)
Win (RaVeN)
Win (Darfin)

2v1: 3/5
Last edited by RaVeN on Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #44473  by jawfin
Thank you so much RaVeN and Darfin

I can't tell you how stressed I was, but I'm glad I played well enough to win through

Love you guys
Jawfin :)

 #44476  by Darfin
Yup np.
Congrats, you with da big boys (and raven) now.
My 3rd trial in one night lol. Hope y'all are happy.

 #44478  by Falcon
Have told you on the server, but I can't stress it enough. Very good job buddy. Knew you could do it. Now enjoy the title you so rightfully deserve :)

 #44479  by Rugg
excellent job Jaw!!! a big congrats to you!!

 #44482  by BadWolf
as i said on MSN, grats bud :D

 #44484  by Wolferion
I hoped and expected this to happen =) Congratulations Jawfin, enjoy :wink:

 #44485  by Delev
And a happy congratulations to you Jawfin :D
Too bad I wasn't there :(

 #44494  by Kakashi.Archive
Well well well…. I believe I told you that you would pass this time around.

With hard work and perseverance. It doesn’t take much past that.

You’ve always had the skill, just needed a little backbone.

I believe that this is a well earned Congrates Jawfin. :)

As Darfin said, your playin with the big boys now.

So don’t expect us to go easy on you anymore.

Really to bad my name isn’t Kakashi anymore… but all the same



 #44505  by Eagle
Congrats Jaw! :D

 #44508  by Delev
Kimimaro wrote:Image

You brought out the thumbs up... *gasp*
I remember you first posted it when me and sniper joined 8)

 #44511  by Necros
Congoratz Jawfeh!!!! /ambighug jaw

I'm so glad you got the promotion and I got to see it...even if I was just staring over Fal's shoulder the whole :P

 #44514  by Kakashi.Archive
Delev wrote:
Kimimaro wrote:Image

You brought out the thumbs up... *gasp*
I remember you first posted it when me and sniper joined 8)

tis a rare thing :)

 #44515  by Kane
Took you long enough ;) I'm just kidding bud welcome to the upper echelons. Can't think of another more deserving of it :)

 #44521  by jawfin
Thank you so much everyone

Those near me for the last couple of months got to see how much of a stress merchant I am

So a great big hug and thanks for all you guys and girls who helped me, and put up with my badgering - sorry I wasn't the best company :S

Anyway, thanks everyone

Love always Jawfin

 #44523  by FlapJack23
Whee! Congratz!

 #44577  by Squall
well it seems my padawan has surpassed me :D welldone m8 and im very happy for you.

Big achievement :)

 #44579  by Kakashi.Archive
yea its your turn next squally. :)

 #44582  by dent
late grats

 #44954  by Fazz
yey jawfin =), congrats, and soz i didnt post sooner

 #45337  by Jato
little late, but ive been gone on vacation sooo this is what i would have said, bout damn time jaw >.>