Great Start Virus

I hope you get around to reading some of the TUTs on here to give you some more ideas on how to unleash PS.
Also, one of my teachers now works with Adobe as like a side company. And one day, during a meeting, they got on the subject of talking about all of the Cracked Adobe Versions out there on the net. My teacher told me that the feeling in the room was more or less that they dont even care and actually encourage it.
He said that they even make it 'easy' to crack CS2 and Macromedia.
If you want proof, Adobe made Macromedia 8 SO easy to kinda disapointed.
The reason they do this is actually legit. If ppl download the crack version and get used to using that tool, then later in life they will want to use that same software in the biz world. Thus all the biz in the world will have to buy it.
Thus Adobe becomes the Coner Stone of so many indiustries (as it already has, and will prob continue to be.)
Adobe is evil if you think about it...I feel sry for the poor saps that acutally buy the software...