Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #42262  by Falcon
pfft. we're worth more than that

 #42264  by saunby
Falcon wrote:pfft. we're worth more than that
They wanted an average price so they didnt include my value because it would have ruined their average :P

 #42265  by Zabuza
we're worth x43594859388459385439385952093854523904850932898409434288529329458284953285409328549248309482594893289088823485093850238 more than that lol

 #42266  by Rugg
KR is priceless..plain and simple :mrgreen:

 #42269  by Cross
Rugg420 wrote:KR is priceless..plain and simple :mrgreen:


 #42273  by Richard
I might buy you all!!

You'll be my puppets

 #42277  by Melissa
given normal host charges

it would appear you have all added value to the domain price :)