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 #4146  by Melissa
Just done a fresh one but Im using Thunderbird (similar to outlook express) now I had this problem before until my sister sorted me out .

(just so you know I have tried to log on to her work to see but shes isnt around all afternoon).

basically I think I set it up right but it doesnt send

i think its

but it still doesnt send :?

any ideas

 #4151  by Phoenix
AOL never used to support IMAP clients but I guess they do now.

Try running AOL keyword: Open Mail Access. In the program, if not check this out.

I have AOL, hate it :P


 #4153  by Chantelle
AOL Have been using IMAP 4 for a good few years I think .. I dont really understand why they would use IMAP 4, although its better than POP3 for alot of things basic messaging I think pop3 is reason I dont lie their email587

erm im sure the problem is AOL uses a special port for SMTP 587 you will have to specify that in the accoutn settings in teh smtp you must put that port number down.

Incidentally make sure you put the emails you want into teh saved folders or store them loaclly mel since aol use a retention and delete emails after 7 days.

AOL I dont like very much , but as long as you dont use that awful software they give you and configure your router to dial up its not all that bad.

 #4206  by Melissa
thats the one the port!! i remember now because I remember white knight saying loads of other stuff about AOL breaking Thunderbird ... which was a load of crap lol

anyway it works fine now thanks everbody :D

 #4207  by Phoenix
I dont know if what I said helped, but no problem XD

 #4208  by Melissa
I think the link you gave might have had what chan typed in there somewhere.. I had to sort the proiblem out before and had to ask her then too

THing is AOL dont use the normal setup so if you try to set it up normally it dont send they dont use port 25 for smtp

 #4210  by Phoenix
I know :? I had problems with them in the past. Dam secruity measures.