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 #41775  by Kenshin
Id like to welcom Vex and Vampire to the clan ( i.e my hitlist)

gratz guys :) please check ur pm boxes when u get a chance :P

 #41779  by Vampire
ty ken, i'm glad to join KR :D and of course, gratz Vex =)

 #41783  by Vex Oso
Hi guys.. well thnk you for letting into the Clan.. Grtz to you 2 Vamp..

im am glad in joining KR.. :D

May the force be with you...!

 #41788  by BadWolf
LIES! no force har, just bribes :3

j/k XD

welcomes boths of joos :D

 #41789  by echo

 #41791  by Delev
Congrats guys, knew youd make it :)

 #41795  by Kakashi.Archive
welcome guys ^^

 #41796  by Necros
Congratz guys. Welcome to the family ^^

 #41799  by Cross
gratz guys

 #41803  by saunby
Grats :)
Enjoy your stay, you owe me a beer :)

 #41808  by Fazz
grats guys

 #41813  by Melissa
Well done

 #41819  by Wolferion
Welcome in guys. Have fun !

 #41834  by Eagle
congrats =)

 #41845  by NinjaSarah
Omedetou! (if I spelled that right lol)

anyways, glad to have you both in the clan :D

 #41847  by Vampire
NinjaSarah wrote:Omedetou! (if I spelled that right lol)

anyways, glad to have you both in the clan :D
Arigato to all of u, sarah - u spelled Omedetou right :D

 #41857  by Darfin
Woo, congrats guys.

 #41865  by FlapJack23