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 #40368  by Kenshin
give a warm welcom to Radical and Rise, they have both been acepted into the family :)

congratz guys

 #40369  by Darfin
Congrats guys :D

 #40373  by Fazz
congrats use 2

 #40375  by Eagle
congrats! =)

 #40376  by Delev
Cograts and welcome to the family =)

 #40377  by NinjaSarah
Congratumalations on getting in and welcome! ^^

 #40383  by Jato

 #40388  by Cross
pft knew you guys would make it =p

 #40398  by Kakashi.Archive
grats u 2 slackers :P

 #40403  by Falcon

 #40421  by saunby
Congrats and welcome to teh clan.


 #40442  by FlapJack23

 #40443  by Atra
Congratz there^^

 #40548  by Aayci Warrick
lol Congratz

Who's radical??o.O?

 #40560  by Kakashi.Archive
not to post here but Aayci can u change your signature were your name is plz and ty, its screwing up the posting system and widining the chat boxes