Who's at what rank?
 #38985  by Zabuza
i wants a paddy that uses single saber

any takers??
 #38986  by Cross
Zabuza wrote:i wants a paddy that uses single saber

any takers??
just to bump this topic....

wheres waldo!

gl finding padawan.

 #39878  by Zabuza

 #39879  by Cross
siiid post here


 #39882  by Zabuza
in the mean time ill tell a joke ^_^''

what does a brown cow say when it 'mates' with a chicken?

brown chicka brown cow

=/ yes im weird =/ omg some1 post D:

*double bump bump*

 #39927  by Fazz
zab, instead of relying on some1 to read this, talk to a student of the server, to see if they want u as a master

 #39929  by Zabuza
i talked 2 jack he might be meh paddeh