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 #39114  by Darfin
FlapJack23 wrote:
RaVeN wrote: Darfin – has almost been in KR as long as I have.
I could have sworn that Darfin was here before you. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
Nah, I remember Rav getting promoted to Jedi when I first got in.
 #39117  by RaVeN
Darfin wrote:
FlapJack23 wrote:
RaVeN wrote: Darfin – has almost been in KR as long as I have.
I could have sworn that Darfin was here before you. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
Nah, I remember Rav getting promoted to Jedi when I first got in.
Yep yep :)

 #39125  by FlapJack23
Never mind then.

 #39169  by Richard
Are there many original KRs still around?

congrats on promotion anyway

 #39175  by ShinZagato
Congrats you two.

And from what I see as far as active go's..the only original KR's left me. and me.

Unless you mean within the first year of then clan..cause I might be TOO fact, how many people can name the (hint)-> 4 founding members of KR?

Founding=first 4 people in the clan btw.

 #39180  by jawfin
OT: If a clan requires orginal members to stay (as many seem to do) then it has failed. This clan has lived longer than most of the originals, therefore it is a sucess.
Perhaps it may not be the same as it was in it so called 'hay-day' you can be assured that there is a lot of fun and learning being experienced by the current active members; in fact there is a hay-day right now that many are missing whilst they commiserate about the past.
As far as I can tell, there has been more growth and promotions in the last six months than in the six before that - I can't prove it of course as I'm part of the new growth :)

 #39193  by Melissa
Congratulations on promo

When I first started playing on KR only Fluffy, Lessa and RoNiN (called Tracker then) were in KR who are now.

 #39217  by Darfin
I'ma take a crack at it.
Shin, Fluffy, Ronin, Justin?

 #39222  by Wolferion
Justin got to Arbiter when I was Jedi, so I think Justin wasnt founder. ShinZagato, Fluffy, Gotenks, _______ :shock:

 #39225  by Chantelle
When I Joined KR a few months after it began it was

Fluffy (KFC then), Gotenks, Shinzagato, SD and Dennis were the leaders or council

RoNiN / Tracker was just getting jedi status at that time

I joined and a week later Lessa Joined.

Thing was while it was good back then , alot of crap flew around and there was bullying and corruption about!! from a few individuals in the clan.

From what I see todays council has a much better control over things.

 #39231  by Wolferion
Ah right SDanger as 4th one. Though, the times were fun xD Fluffy was an "evil dictator" . I guess we answered your theme, ShinZagato.

 #39232  by RaVeN
Chantelle wrote:From what I see todays council has a much better control over things.
That's a very nice compliment, Thanks Chan. :)

And from what I was told about the past of KR, Chan is right about the line up. Although If I was told right; it was Fluffy, Gotenks and Shin first. Then SD became shortly after, with Fluffy as the main overall leader.

Nintendo followed SD to KR I think is how it went. (could be wrong)

 #39240  by Cross
RaVeN wrote:
Chantelle wrote:From what I see todays council has a much better control over things.
That's a very nice compliment, Thanks Chan. :)

And from what I was told about the past of KR, Chan is right about the line up. Although If I was told right; it was Fluffy, Gotenks and Shin first. Then SD became shortly after, with Fluffy as the main overall leader.

Nintendo followed SD to KR I think is how it went. (could be wrong)
and then kyp came and saved the jka world :X

 #39246  by Darfin
KYP wrote:
RaVeN wrote:
Chantelle wrote:From what I see todays council has a much better control over things.
That's a very nice compliment, Thanks Chan. :)

And from what I was told about the past of KR, Chan is right about the line up. Although If I was told right; it was Fluffy, Gotenks and Shin first. Then SD became shortly after, with Fluffy as the main overall leader.

Nintendo followed SD to KR I think is how it went. (could be wrong)
and then kyp came and saved the jka world :X
More like Raven.

 #39250  by Richard
Impressive the leaders are people who have worked and earned their way rightfully into organising things.. works far better than picking any old person into irrational dictatorship!! :)

And here we see the system improve with more promotion system.

 #39260  by RaVeN
Richard wrote:Impressive the leaders are people who have worked and earned their way rightfully into organising things.. works far better than picking any old person into irrational dictatorship!! :)

And here we see the system improve with more promotion system.
Well Fluffy was a beloved evil dictator though, and a great leader still.
Darfin wrote:
KYP wrote:
RaVeN wrote: That's a very nice compliment, Thanks Chan. :)

And from what I was told about the past of KR, Chan is right about the line up. Although If I was told right; it was Fluffy, Gotenks and Shin first. Then SD became shortly after, with Fluffy as the main overall leader.

Nintendo followed SD to KR I think is how it went. (could be wrong)
and then kyp came and saved the jka world :X
More like Raven.
Ya right, like I can run this ship? Pho does way more work than me to keep KR up and running. Many others in KR also put in their time and effort wither they are asked or not.

 #39310  by Melissa
I wasnt in KR I just used to hang out there, Fluffy seemed mroe than cool to me,

But I saw Gotenks and His side companion Spike bully another individual and force him to quit.. they then boasted to me about their tally on how many people they forced or just kicked out of teh clan and that it was 10-10 in a race or something.. also they admin abused badly...

When I said I dont want to join after that they got very defensive lol

In General I did think Gotenks could be alright but he didnt possess the calm rational head to run this place in UK and US time zone.. It was abusive and out of control!