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 #3765  by Stealth
as most of u no...i cant get on during the week...soo...i need a mod...something to really make fighting hard.....i need to get training....soo....if u no of id like to use it lol...

 #3781  by Stealth
i got bored of that.......ownage!!

 #3784  by Scythe
u could always make your own bot that could kill u in like one hit, have star upload it to the server, and practice your dodging and or parrying <--- or else

 #3787  by Stealth
i mean that i can download lol

 #3788  by Scythe
ermm yeah... so dl a program to make a bot duuuuuh u ask for a dl and i give u a dl!

 #3794  by Wolferion
Creat your own server , write some password on jedi council admins, login in it, make dessan bot or some as it ( he has 300hp , yellow user and kinda good opponent ) , make everything you want and train on it...
It is good way as i was once a member of Czech Jedi Academy training club, i had 2 padawans and trained them on my server =)

Thank you for reading,

 #3797  by Starcomand
i prefer my bot Sephiroth for training on hes a hard bot even harder than dessan lol but u need the skin to be able to play against him on server lol and i think ninny loves him

 #3799  by Milamber
desann actually uses style 4 :P which was introduced in jk2 used by desann and brought further into jka, its used for severall cheat sabers out in the world because its as strong as red and almost as fast as yellow with sertain swings....

only worse saber gotta be hammer saber

also :P u guys do know that if u install a costume bot there might be buggs that some ppl that dont have the skin for that bot gets 999 and lags out?

 #3812  by Kane
Yeah the SephirothAC NPC that you can spawn is the hardest thing I have ever had to fight on JA even tougher than Nin! :P

You want some good evasion and combat training try to kill that thing without dieing once I guareentee it will take you months to achieve it, I mean the thing can kill 5 rancors without even breaking sweat.... :S

 #3813  by Scythe
and yet star won't tell us the spawn code for it ...... give it to me already >_<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 #3814  by Kane
Theres a simple answer to that one Scy, if you spawn it and people dont have it it will crash their games. Also if they dont have the sword pack for him it will make a god aweful screeching sound constantly. So its saved for special occasions and for private servers.

Oh and cause im nice a hint: readmes are great things

 #3816  by Scythe
hmmm >_>..... readme u say.... >_> bwhahahahahahahaha i shall have sephiroth yet!!!!

 #3817  by Kakashi.Archive
Star.... your damn bot crashed my comp the last time...XD... I hated not being able to get in the bar...XD...LOL