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 #3615  by Grimm
i want to get an open post here, ill explain more after.....

first off, i wanna get apologizes out:

first and most important to pho: i think we got off on the rong foot since january, being my fault as well. i was naive and still am abit and i know i offended u. u do alot for a KR and i didnt appreciate that as much as i should have. wut i sed in my leaving post i think is garbage now that i look at it. we both have rough edges but i hope we can get passed that.....

(Ed note: as im wrting this im yelling at a girl from home, so im in a bad mood, so this may not come out as good as i would like it too)

now to anyone else i offended, especially with admin abuse:

again, i was naive, and u guys know more than anyone i dont take shit, specially with ppl who lame to be annoying....i guess i got out of hand....alot. well im chnaging now, i guess a good month with no adminn helped...

to council: i think i started to hinder the clan wen i hit knight, that wont happen again. i know this probly doesnt mean much, but ima write it anyway cuz i at least want u to hear it. i could tell u guys didnt like the way i left, and u have good reasons. but i dont want to have that on me, i want that weight to be gone too.

as i think of apologizes i will write them. but for now id like this to become an open discussion. i want to know wut ppl think about this whole thing and how it affected them. generally, anything u want to say to me. i do not however want this to be come flaming, i will accept all comments no matter who theyre from or if theyre pros or cons:

(PS. i made a new account back to grimm cuz there were a few changes i made since leaving and i didnt want to have to incorporate them into this one and i dont want to be a burden by asking u guys to again change my name back to grimm. just pending activation....)

thx to all


 #3618  by Phoenix
Account Grimm deleted, Pixy renamed to Grimm.

 #3624  by Tricky
I guess I'll be honest.

This basically appears to be a post made just so you can get back into the clan. I’m very on the fence about you. Part of me would be more than happy to take you back in, but it’s purely out of benevolence and friendship. However, my realistic side says it’d be foolhardy to do such a thing. The manner in which you left was terrible and repeatedly terrible as we had given you more than one chance to end the discussion and leave with what honors you had left. Not only that, but once you hit knight there was a bad downward trend in your behavior. Perhaps it’s the power of admin that corrupts some, but I’ve never had that problem to such an extent. Your attitude, demeanor, your conversations, the way you treated outsiders of the clan along with members in it, all took a turn for the worse. People who were your friends started to think less of you, including myself. As it stands right now, if you were to ask for readmission into KR, I’d vote against you. Change is always possible, but your change of heart is rather abrupt. If you had left under different circumstances I might have leaned in the other direction.

 #3631  by Wanderer
Im glad that your apologizin grimm. Its good to confront the past and deel with what happened. Your a great guys and an awesome friend!

I wish you luck with whatever you do and if u need any help, im always here man,


 #3634  by Grimm
understood tricky, completely.

about the way i treated outsiders, u were right. but going to sls, the rival of this clan has showmed something. those guys are really kool, and shouldnt be hated just becuz of rivalry. i made a post around my second day in sls and sed "wow, u guys are really kool, seay, arse, longtoe, i just never gave u a chance becuz all i thgought of u was 'sls, i hate them'". they are kool and i enjoyed very much hanging out with them. but that is not the place for me, im not sure wut is. but i will take ur words to heart, thank u for being honest

(Ed note: i realize now that saying i was yellin at a girl as i sed that was a bad impression :D , i was trying to explain for a bad mood, becuz i do not think that apologie is complete and it is not so becuz i was to focused on something else in my bad moood while wirting it. do not think that i am apologizing here and sparking arguments other places, that is a totally different issue.)

 #3639  by Wanderer
Well, if you guys dont want me to talk, then ill understand, but for while im aloud to, ill speaka my mind ^^

Well tricky, your VERY right, the change in mind was VERY abrupt, but wasnt mine aswell? Grimm and I both left for the same reason(im not goin to go overthat again...). I wanted to leave on a gewd note and felt i had left my mark and message, but grimm felt he wasnt satisfied. Pho and grimms arguement, in my mind, ruined the whole post. Grimm and Pho are both at fault to let it get out of hand.

Back to the abruptness(kinda went off on a tangent there -_-). Grimm and i looked at man clans and quickly applied to SLS, grimm, having connections, made it in SLS, no problem. I on the other end, took some talkin to to the 4 active membes of the clan. I worked hard to make my self believe that SLS was the place for me, but after the first week of going on the server and only being able to talk to bots, i came bak to KR forums and server and relized wat i was missing.

Thats why i was so abrupt in coming bak to KR, bc i realized even not in KR, it still felt like home, and i began to miss it.

Well*cracks knkles* theres my lifes story ^^

 #3643  by Grimm
wand, ur first paragraph is partially right. me and phos argument did ruin the post, but it was my fault not his. i misinterpreted his words and took them too fast and too rashly

ur second paragraph is right, not just for u but for me too. the missing thing is the clan being a community, sls was more of an empty room that u hope someone will come if u fight the bots for a while. kr is always active and that makes it beter. i went to sls quickly to see justin cuz he was one of my best friends wen he was in this clan

 #3645  by Wanderer
well said ^^

 #3691  by Kane
Well I always say everyone deserves a second chance at least, besides you know my opinion on this. You'll just need to await the descision from the powers that be :)

Nice to see you admitting the error of your ways and admitting to your mistakes too. Now it just remains to be seen if indeed you have learned from them. ;)

 #3716  by Wanderer
Guys, this post wasnt about grimm wanting to come back yet, this is an apologie note, not a application -_-

 #3717  by Phoenix
Wanderer wrote:Guys, this post wasnt about grimm wanting to come back yet, this is an apologie note, not a application -_-
Its I want back in KR post Wand.

 #3721  by Wanderer
Pho, Grimmms my RL friend, i talked to em, he told me"For now, im not sure what I want to dod. I'm just going to make a apologie note."

 #3724  by Phoenix
Well I interpret it differently. Im not commenting on it.
 #3731  by Craig
Grimm wrote:
to council: i think i started to hinder the clan wen i hit knight, that wont happen again.
Now maybe its just me but if u look at the bit i put in bold that seems to me like wanting back in, dont u think?

 #3735  by Kakashi.Archive
Let him have a nother go at KR...It seems as if he found what was the better server....:D

 #3736  by Tricky
Don't take this the wrong way, Kakashi or Wand, but he should've thought about that before he started swearing and insulting members when and after he left.

 #3737  by Grimm
wand, this is technically one half of a wanting to come back post. thats not a bad thing, i just want to get the more important stuff out of the way first. trickys right, i didnt think of coming back and i dont think ill get back in anyway, so theres no point making a seocnd half yet.

and pho, u not commenting, not to puch but i would love to hear ur view on it, obviously u dont have to, but i feel like im not accomplishing anything here.....

on another note. my net at home is down for some reason, so i might not be on the server much. it could be just today, or it could be for a while, something with comcast i think :roll:

also, to show how inactive sls is, i left yesterday and there still hasnt been a post or rank change for my account -_-

 #3743  by Wanderer
grimm, same here, i quit a wekk b4 u and still no rank change, i think i can still see in members...

 #3760  by Kakashi.Archive
Grimm i do have one question...and i hope u dont care that i put it here...

I dont know u all to y did ask me to help u get back in? It puzzles me. was it the thing i tryes with pinky that i was willing to fight fo u to get back in KR? Im still not understanding and im puzzled.
I mean i want u back in KR just like i wanted Wand back in...:D

 #3819  by Craig
Look we dont want to know about SLS, this is KR forums not SLS.

Any posts that have anything to do with SLS will be deleted from now on.

 #3827  by Wanderer
OK craig, we were just giving a large part of our reason for quiting, dont be to jumpy

 #3837  by Akimoto
Wanderer wrote:OK craig, we were just giving a large part of our reason for quiting, dont be to jumpy
That shouldn't be needy.. you and grimm quitted like a month ago or so.. maybe more/less. What is the point posting -another- reason for quitting?

Meaningless unless he want to try to join KR again. :o

 #3839  by Wanderer
no, were talkin bout why we quit SLS, not KR -_-...