Who's at what rank?
 #35785  by Fazz
hey, flapjack is adpept know, lol, i havint seen him that much still (but that will change soon, coz soon i got all the time in the world on my hands), but i have seen enough to know that he is rdy 2 be adept

 #35789  by Starcomand
gz flapy

 #35790  by Wolferion
Congratulations =)

 #35792  by Cross
Congratulations flap.

 #35800  by Falcon
gj flappeh!

 #35847  by Fazz
erm.. just realised this is in wrong section, any1 care to move it =)

 #35879  by FlapJack23
I am?? Really? But...But...I didn't have a trial. Is there a trial? AUGH! I'm confused

 #35881  by Starcomand
no trail for adept

 #35884  by FlapJack23
I know I just read the rules. Thanks guys!