Show off any maps you've made or would recommend!

 #34942  by Richard
Nice bar design

Suggestion is can you alter textures? I would say alot of grey makes it look less like a bar and more like a castle.

Not saying it has to look oldy woldy but just something a bit different.

 #34944  by Phoenix
Looking good :)

 #34948  by saunby
Richard wrote:Nice bar design

Suggestion is can you alter textures? I would say alot of grey makes it look less like a bar and more like a castle.

Not saying it has to look oldy woldy but just something a bit different.
To add to that maybe make it more shiny to make it look more modern?

Also can you put some bottles in (empty/full/laying on their sides) lolz

 #34950  by Shaka
Richard wrote:Nice bar design

Suggestion is can you alter textures? I would say alot of grey makes it look less like a bar and more like a castle.

Not saying it has to look oldy woldy but just something a bit different.
I can do this, no problem but can you be more specific about the textures you don't like (wall? floor? trim?)

Ps: I'll add some bottles ;)

 #34951  by saunby
Yay bottles =D

Btw sorry for double posting

It was Pho's fault for backing up while I was trying to post lol

 #34976  by Kenshin
looks great m8.

 #34981  by Akimoto
The design looks good, but you should work on the texturing! (constructive criticism)

 #34987  by Fazz
bar colours cud be like red floor (aka most pubs in england, lol), with like pool tables... dart board... ect, lol j/k, but that wud be well kwl if u could do that

on a sideish note, is is possible to make the bottles smashable, or able to pick them up and use as wepons?

 #34989  by Akimoto
It wouldn't be possible without making a mod. Would be possible making breakable bottles tho
Last edited by Akimoto on Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #34994  by Zabuza
i think it looks great the way it is ^_^

 #34998  by Shaka
OK, I think you have to take a decision ^^
I can make some smashable bottles, but they won't look as good as if I use a model, you have to choose.
Then, I don't think making a pool table or dart board is such a good idea cause it won't look that great in game (sorry about killing your ideas Fazz :? )

But I can use some other textures if it doesn't look the way you wanted, and add some poster (but you will have to give me the picture ^^).
So if you are all agree (or the majority) I can change texture but give me a screen of what you wanted, always boring to retexture all ^^

 #34999  by Akimoto
I can provide textures if you are interested.

 #35000  by Shaka
Akimoto wrote:I can provide textures if you are interested.
Just give me some poster if the team want some in the bar, but please discut of this all together

 #35001  by Fazz
the poster cud be of the kr logo (some1 make 1 quickly, lol), my pool table and dart bord idea was kinda a joke, lol

 #35003  by Zabuza
i had one made then it mysterously vanished........ since there a lot of ninjas in the clan how about this?

 #35004  by Fazz
it wud be kwl if u could make it look like there was graphete on the walls, sayin stuff like 'fazz was ere', and '[name] rulez', and stuff like that, but only usin names from kr members, to give it that 'kr' touch

 #35005  by Zabuza
if its kr only then shaka should pm the map download link to a council guy and post in members section, when its done of course :wink:

 #35006  by Shaka
Poster will be a better idea for the bar, cause graph are quite difficult to make, so I someone have another idea post it ^^

 #35007  by Fazz
ive got it, a big statue... made of gold... it wud look good, lol

 #35014  by Zabuza
well the link i posted could be used since we havea lot of ninjas...... but i like the original one, we dont need all this fancy stuff imo

 #35165  by Zabuza
well i would like to have a kr poster so i made one ^_^ hope u can put it in there if everyone wants 2 of course

Last edited by Zabuza on Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #35177  by Shaka
This poster is good ^^ I can put it in the bar but I'm waiting other stuff to put on the wall. During this wait, I'll make some other part of the map.

 #35191  by saunby
I quite like that poster

But here a bit of constructive critisism for you :)

At all costs please try to avoid using pictures which have straight cuts across them (i.e. the sabres and storm troopers head), it makes it look unfinished and slightly badly done.

Try and get hold of the font used on the KR site/forum, Im sure Pho will have it, if not he'll know what it is.

Other than that I really like it :)

 #35203  by Zabuza
well i made a new one tried what saunby said, except for the font i asked pho 5 times and ill i got was silence but oh well ^_^ here it is:


 #35205  by Falcon
looks cool zab :D i like 'em both
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