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 #33580  by Hime
hey guys and girls in KR

How are you all?
The wedding went smooth for me....I am glad that is over now....I will be going to CHina very soon for the traditional style wedding
and I want to say...I am very happy
So....I hope that after I am finished everything in China ..... I can get sometime to go back on to the server abnd start DFAing people
so .....I am here to say hi and wish that I can join you people on the server asap


 #33581  by jawfin
Congrats Hime,
Looking forward to seeing you back (except for that DFA bit).

 #33582  by Darko
So glad to hear it all went smooth for you Hime !

 #33584  by Kakashi.Archive
congrats hime :)

 #33586  by Falcon
lol another DFA'er >=D

 #33587  by Darko
More like KR's original..

 #33588  by BadWolf
Falcon wrote:lol another DFA'er >=D
pfft fal, WEWT! a higher up is coming back soon! i can have my trial! >:D

 #33589  by ShadowMan
Oh wow I never noticed your wedding news. Congratulations! Hope everything goes well. o/

 #33593  by Kenshin
gratz hime, glad everythign went smoothly, maby ul be able to hit me this time with ur dfa's >=D

 #33596  by Wolferion
Woah =) Glad to hear ^^ Have fun at Chinese traditional wedding and see you soon! :D

 #33598  by saunby
Awesome to hear Hime, glad it went ok I wish you luck for the traditional wedding :)

Stay safe!

 #33900  by Hime
the traditional wedding went well I am in Beijing...just before the olp thing come on to the scene....I will get back to work when I get back from China
How's everyone doing so far?

 #33905  by Starcomand
great to hear weddings went well looking forward to seeing u on the server again hime

 #33910  by RoNin
It will be good to see you again HIME. :)

 #33918  by Akimoto
ふふふ~ How is it in china? ><