Anything else that doesn't fit in any of the above forums goes here!

 #26029  by Greed
The red dfa is especially cool! Its pretty nice... give it a try!

 #26030  by Kenshin
my opinion.. its a bad mod.. the red attack has a delay so u cant see if u hit them or not.. and even if u do somehow manage to hit them it doesnt show u hit them.. so u have no clue of their hp,, also the jumps put u off when dueling and make u look like a easy target. the only good side to these are the dfa's and the katas.. which are totaly useless for everything ^^.. just my opinion

 #26031  by Kisame
Well at least theres an opposing point of view :)

 #32711  by Sniper
weird i cant get it to work

 #32744  by Darko
Stick with the normal stances

 #32749  by Sniper
Darko wrote:Stick with the normal stances
i agree. theyre kinda opdd and as kenshin says makes harder to duel because you have no idea if youve even hit them. even though red dfa is cool, dont rly get it unless u want aharder duels

 #32753  by Kisame
Yea... i hate them now.... and the weirdest part is I CANT REMOVE IT!!

 #32797  by Sniper
just remove the satces and mod pk3 from base it let me remove it

 #34872  by Master Dennis
i used it aswell (in the v5 pack you can keep your old attacks) however there is a HUGE ANNOYING BUG! when someone uses a staff you only get to see a glowing ball betwean there leggs and it keeps making that annoying sound!

1/10 for the bug

 #34882  by Darko
You sure that was the reason you were afraid of staff users? :P

 #35194  by Master Dennis
-_-.........well no its also because they are mean!! :P