Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #32769  by jawfin
It's been mentioned that 8 ball is too docile for any great fun.
I could suggest writing an interactive chat bot (called _9) that not only answers your questions but adds to its vocabulary everything that is being spoken to it. These words are then indexed and a value placed on each word, so that when another statement or question is directed toward it, it will respond with a seemingly related reply.
I greatest concern though is that this will really spam the chat dialog with utter rubbish and thusly spam out anything relevant. Mind you, it will still only answer when a statement is directed towards it, although it could issue a random sentence once a minute.
I am seriously concerned about spamming the chat, as I personally disable all my autoresponses for that very reason. But as it has been suggested that I do it.
I don't want to poll it as people will then tick Yes without seriously thinking about it, and I feel this perhaps may require council approval (reflecting now I think even _8ball should perhaps have approval too).
Anyway, a penny for your thoughts...

 #32770  by Darfin
Jaw. I have to say I've seriously loved this idea from the beginning.
In response to the spamming problem. Just make it able to turn on and off KR Only just like 8Ball.

I really think that solves the problem :S

 #32779  by Fazz
yeyeye, u need 2 make it now, otherwise u will have got my hopes up for nothin, it seems like a rly kl idea, also the thing about making it for kr's only sound like a good idea

 #32783  by jawfin
OK, the cat of 9 tales is finished.
Use _9 statement as 8ball worked.
Obviously I have to be on the server.
This is a complete chat bot, with weighed responses to entered statements. It has a vast vocabulary and can follow a conversation and prompts for more information when it feels its needed. It filters out irrelevant words in its indexing, eg. definite and indefinite articles.
It can deduce verbs from nouns, and other gramatical analysis.

That's right, I pinched the source code from off the internet and merged it with my current bot. Why get a dog and bark yourself.

Currently it treats the JKA world as one entity, as if it were talking to one person irrelevent of who talks to it. This seemed smarter than trying to hold a dozen separate conversations.
It's quite entertaining, and had me stop and think on some of its responses; genuine LOL moments.
Unfortunately, as I've repeated stated, I'm away for 17 days; so get on when I'm on now or you'll have to wait.

 #32784  by Fazz
when is now, coz if i get my comp 2day, i will be on late 2dasy, or possible 2moro, are you going away 2day?>

 #32787  by Darfin
Jesus you've already finished?
I request hes recommended for the Medal Of Awesomeness.

 #32796  by Sniper
wow lol does that mean 8ball up for gabs XD (if is i wants)