Who's at what rank?

 #30630  by ShadowX
Tidus wrote:oooook o.O
why are you doin that XD?.

 #30640  by Tidus
i dont remember wanting you as my padawan! >:O lol

i really dont care who my padawan is, i guess im a good master if sarah got knight

 #30654  by NinjaSarah
You tryin to say I sucked before I was your padawan? >:O
Although you are right you is a great master. Me thinks Shadow should be Tid's padawan :D

 #30828  by ShadowX
ice Tidus not to be mean but i have been getting on the sever and i dont see you guys on. so i think i might start to look for someone els.

 #31058  by Tidus
i had to unistall my jka game so i cant be taken any paddys until i decide to reinstall it. atm im just focusing on school

 #31308  by ShadowX
Tidus wrote:i had to unistall my jka game so i cant be taken any paddys until i decide to reinstall it. atm im just focusing on school
oh ok will i hope school works out for you :)

 #31315  by ShadowX
i am still looking for a master it seems i may not be on the sever much but i can be on the sever as long we are able to get on around the same time :).