Check out what is happening with the servers!
 #29156  by Starcomand
A few updates for this weekend:

1. The game server system move should take place on Saturday and there may be a 3 to 4 hour downtime.

2. We are going to stay on pure Internap. We realize the priorannouncement said they will offer a mix of bandwidths, but we haverequested to stay on pure Internap.

3. The BIOS on the machine will be updated.

4. More RAM will be installed: We have ran into problems with the past with installing RAM beyond 24gigs, though the machine specs say it can handle 32 gigs of RAM. We arenot positive if this was a BIOS or Linux Kernel issue.
We have sinceupdated the Linux kernel and it supposedly handles RAM differently. Ifit fails again (machine crash) we will just remove the extra RAM. Wewill be installing 4 more gigs for a total of 28 gigs.
If that remainsstable, after a few days, we will attempt another 4 gigs for a total of32 gigs of RAM.

For those interested: System = 6015B-T+VMotherboard = Super X7DBR-i+

just to let you all know and not to be worried

 #29157  by Kenshin
lol as u posted tht.. the server went down :P nice timing star ^^

 #29158  by Starcomand
that was the plan lol as got email through saying that update was happening now so put it up to stop ones worring and chaseing to get it back up lol

 #29161  by Falcon
And this is KR 1 and 2?

 #29162  by Starcomand
its prob both of them as both use the same suplier but not sure of kr2 just guessing on it as its andy that looks after it i just look after kr1

 #29163  by Falcon
doh....alright...there goes my night lol. thanx for the info star

 #29164  by Darth Kithoran
oooooh, so THAT'S why I got an "internet connection interrupted" message and couldn't get back in :o

 #29166  by BadWolf

no, rly?

back up btw ^^

 #29201  by revelation
was the lag fixed? haven't been on yet

 #29226  by Melissa
nice one , ill let Rich know.. I think he decided to wait as it was giving him alot of problems

 #29247  by BadWolf
what b goin on, all the servers are deviod of life, save the bots

and somebody get on TS im lonely xD

 #29248  by Richard
Tbh Mel I think I was playing on the wrong server

not a single persons name on these boards do I recognise.

 #29254  by Melissa
Its definateley the right one since I originally put it in favs.

 #30130  by Richard
SOrry to bring up the old topic,

is it fixed or any better

I kinda left it for ages.

 #30132  by Akimoto
Richard wrote:SOrry to bring up the old topic,

is it fixed or any better

I kinda left it for ages.
Its up and running--
Last edited by Akimoto on Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #30133  by Starcomand
think it is yea just let me know if any problems with server

 #30147  by Squall
star just a thought m8, how many times a week do you remove logs and other stuff that makes the server lag ? cause seriously. i remember seeing CJR's server having like 3 monthes worth of logs (game logs btw) and when i removed them the lag was gone.

 #30152  by Akimoto
I really doubt the log has anything to do with KR's server lag.

EscapedTurkey got their servers in the street and provides terrible servers for outside US players. The upside is the low cost~ :)

 #30153  by Richard
Well that is why I stopped playing, played for a week and it was just unbearable .. its was intermittant and flashed .

It was rather disabilitating when playing against a person, who would suffer from this less.

 #30176  by Phoenix
Blade wrote:star just a thought m8, how many times a week do you remove logs and other stuff that makes the server lag ? cause seriously. i remember seeing CJR's server having like 3 monthes worth of logs (game logs btw) and when i removed them the lag was gone.
The logs are over-written every week. So for example on a monday a log file is created and the following monday that original logfile is over-written. This prevents the server having to pre-load a 500mb text file (yes I have seen logfiles this big).

ET have recently bought a new server in Atlanta, many customers have been asked to be transfered to the new server and this has caused a certain amount of lag during this time. They have also upgraded the server to 32GB of ram (yesterday) so that should help the lag.

Although I am not unaware that the lag has become an issue lately, there have been recent changes which have caused additional lag especially over the last 3-4 days. Hopefully the lag will subside, if it doesn't I will chase it up with ET.

If anyone feels that we would benefit to getting an additional server with another company, let me know of any other companies you think provide a reasonable price. Everything that keeps KR as it is, is paid for amoung the council and obviously it does cost money to maintain everything so we don't have a bottomless pit of money to play with. I know of several good Euro server providers but not so many American based ones.


 #30178  by Darko
IF you tell me how i could help fund the server id help.

Anything for a half decent server ><

 #30182  by Akimoto
Phoenix wrote: If anyone feels that we would benefit to getting an additional server with another company, let me know of any other companies you think provide a reasonable price. Everything that keeps KR as it is, is paid for amoung the council and obviously it does cost money to maintain everything so we don't have a bottomless pit of money to play with. I know of several good Euro server providers but not so many American based ones.

The only problem with other server providers is that you get a higher price for QUALITY... here are some server providers~ This one is Recommended: Gives EXCELLENT ping for EU and good ping for US! I have used this server provider myself and find it most ...excellent. It's also WAY easier to manage than ET. I might even rent 1 again~

 #30197  by Squall
hmm the top link you posted aki has a free server trial going atm.. maybe this could be sued to see how it will benefit under heavy load.. like we normally have over the corse of a few hours.

CJR clan has an amazing host. forget the damn name though. il get it. its defenitely not mentioned in your list aki.

 #30199  by Melissa
Does ET really stick loads of customers on the same server?

 #30233  by Phoenix
Melissa wrote:Does ET really stick loads of customers on the same server?
ET's customer base is split between two servers. One based in Atlanta and one based in Texas. Previously they had several servers that they split their customer base into. What they have now done, is invested the money they would have spent on all these additional servers into one server.
Akimoto wrote:EscapedTurkey got their servers in the street and provides terrible servers for outside US players. The upside is the low cost~ :)
Akimoto wrote:The only problem with other server providers is that you get a higher price for QUALITY... here are some server providers~

I'm not here as a representive for ET, but they have always provided servers for our clan and the lag has only recently become an issue. But as I said, if anyone else wants to find an addtional server provider that is reasonably priced and that actually support JKA (many don't) and whether people are actually willing to donate some money to the clan then fair enough. But you have to realise that everything is paid for out of myself and my fellow council members pockets- so its easy to say "oh ET servers are crap" or whatever, but at the end of the day its not your bank balance that is going down.

Last edited by Phoenix on Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:10 am, edited 1 time in total.