Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #29402  by dent
Remember the question about the plane and treadmill I asked in this thread ... php?t=2293

Well Mythbusters did a show on it, and the plane takes off. - Them explaining why - Footage of the plane actually taking off, (not a treadmill but a giant tarp going in the opposite direction does exactly the same thing)

I thought it was kinda cool, i thought i would post it

 #29404  by saunby
Interesting, although I haven't watched the whole episode Im not sure on their 'conveyer belt' though, but meh, my two cents

 #29405  by dent
saunby wrote:Interesting, although I haven't watched the whole episode Im not sure on their 'conveyer belt' though, but meh, my two cents
they have footage of smaller models on actual treadmills, but it would be a bit hard to get a 100ft treadmill that could hold a plane for the life sized thing, hold on ill go find the vids

Edit: here they are, but they are horrible quality (the episode only aired yesterday) ReEdit: the links were long and messed up the page so i shortened
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


 #29409  by Akimoto
I don't know if i've mentioned this before but, I'm a huge MythBusters fan! O.o


Your Avatar is bugged.

 #29414  by DarkCloud
Akimoto wrote:I don't know if i've mentioned this before but, I'm a huge MythBusters fan! O.o
Same... also love dirty jobs and love the ghost hunters shows too

 #29416  by dent
Akimoto wrote: Your Avatar is bugged.
clever lol 8)

 #29443  by FlapJack23
Akimoto wrote:I don't know if i've mentioned this before but, I'm a huge MythBusters fan! O.o
Me too! Has anyone ever seen Top Gear? It's a great show.

 #29461  by saunby
Top gear is actually the best show ever!