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 #28970  by dent
wow, very unexpected :shock: :cry:

 #28971  by Chantelle
That is.. shocking news first I heard of it..


To think of his poor daughter aswell.

 #28977  by Wanderer
all the girls at school were crying today about this during exams...i forgot who he was

that really sucks, kind of random tho, never would have guessed him to have a drug problem

cant wait to see that batman movie tho, he was the bet for that role

 #28981  by ShadowMan
Phew! For a moment I feared it might have been Dark Knight spoilers ^^'

But really, that was unexpected..

 #28987  by Melissa
heard on the radio this morning....

awful news .:-s

what do you say?

 #28992  by Akimoto
Who is that? Which movies have he been acting at? He looks familiar...



 #28999  by Melissa
a knights tail

brokeback mountain

just a few I remember off top of me head

 #29006  by Kakashi.Archive
He was one of my favorite actors, also Aki as much as you might be helping some ppl with that picture i dont feel that now was the time to post it.

 #29031  by Akimoto
ShadowMan wrote:
Akimoto wrote:Who is that? Which movies have he been acting at? He looks familiar...
Sarcasm? Not sure so:
I'm sorry, but i have not watched any of his movies.

Side note: When i do sarcasm, you will know right away~

 #29070  by Darfin
This is actually really sad. I thought he was a really good acter. Young. Eh.

 #29075  by Hime
He was a very good acter
too is a shame he died in such a young age

 #29080  by RoNin
Umm I'd like to point out the death is still under investigation. He has pnuemia (i spelled it wrong but you get my point) the week beforehand and was probably on meds to help recover from it my friend works at a hospital if he was taking that drug to help him get better and sleeping pills it can very easily stop your heart. So it's possible he did not commit suicide but it was an accidental overdose between his medicine and the sleeping pills.

EDIT: this is also comming from the news casters they left out what pills were there they whole job of news casters now is to tell enough of the story to be counted as semi true the rest they cut out or edit to become something controversial

 #29082  by Melissa
Was it Pneumonia? Sorry I am just asking. Thats nasty stuff