Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #2605  by Lessa
Shadow passed his Jedi trial! Stealth made good job and taught him counters very well! Also he knows admins good.


 #2608  by Akimoto

 #2612  by Ice
Congrats Shadow! :)

 #2613  by Darkness
Congratz Shadow.

 #2619  by Kakashi.Archive

 #2622  by GRYPHON
ugghhhh big avatar lessa >.<

 #2638  by Wolferion
Congratulations mann =) Good to hear that Stealth is nice one teacher :P

Yeah Gryphon/Mira... It is 150x150

 #2640  by GRYPHON
yehh i thought the rule was no stretching the forums >.>

 #2643  by Phoenix
I set the max size as 150x150.

 #2645  by Kane
Congrats Shadow :D

 #2648  by Phoenix
Oh yea congrats. XD

 #2858  by Stealth
*tear*...not to long until ur a knight....okay it'll take awhile...hehe congratz

 #2863  by Stump
Well done.