Who's at what rank?
 #28032  by Fazz

im sorry 2 say that im gunna have 2 drop kira, mainly due to th fact that my comp isnt workin, and ontop of that, jka isnt workin on it aswell, so ye... if she carrys on from were she is timewise then her jedi trial shud be due on the 2nd, dunno when ill be back on forms, so all i rly gotta say... sorry kira

 #28359  by Kira
lawl i jus saw this now -.- gdi. its ok fazz lol.
and im wondering if i cn switch sabers >.> duals are painful for me

unless fazz comes back in a week or 2

 #28361  by Kakashi.Archive
If that be the case and he cant get back on ill take u in unless u do want to completely change sabers.

 #28363  by Kira
naw im ok sticking with duals i jus need like extreme help lol.

 #28381  by Kakashi.Archive
Ok its up to you and then council if youd like to go under training with me. ^^

From what iv seen you do pretty well, lol maybe a little brush up wouldnt hurt.

 #28385  by Kira

 #28449  by Kakashi.Archive
Council is this ok?

 #28617  by Kakashi.Archive
dont know but thats fine if she chooses and i rather her do that then come with me.

 #28619  by Kira
i did post that. O.o but i didnt delete it