The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.

 #28231  by Delev
Yay :D

 #28232  by Hosh-pak
congrats guys !!!

 #28234  by Matt
good to hear that. new members... hope they wont be such a few others.


 #28244  by Darfin
You are the author of the last 7 topics in this forum.
EDIT: Congratz peoplez.

 #28246  by dent
grats both of you

 #28247  by Ayz16
Welcome both of you :)

 #28249  by Greed
Welcome!!!! Congratz guyz!!!

 #28253  by Elm
Good job.

 #28262  by saunby
Ahaha you guys, anyhoo, welcome to the clan you new guys (Y)

Have fun, enjoy your stay and offer me any alcohol you have in return for something Ive not yet thought of ^_^

 #28263  by Starcomand
welcome to the family

 #28301  by Kakashi.Archive
Grats u 2 ^^

 #28333  by echo
Grats & Welcome

 #28360  by Kakashi.Archive
RaVeN wrote:
Darfin wrote:You are the author of the last 7 topics in this forum.
EDIT: Congratz peoplez.
Guess I'm the only one in this clan with something important to say :?

EDIT: Which apparently is "Welcome"
everything that Raven or council says is importent ^^

(not including forum fun section lol)