Its more about my time as well though, I just never seem to get time to go and play/train!
I am going to accept Kaks offer to take me on as padawan so he can
attempt to train me up for my knights haha
I will try to get on as much as I can but I cant really promise you anything, also as its the run up to christmas I will be getting busier and busier, but as I said, I will give it my best.
I was talking to Fazz about this earlier on the server (Yes! I was on the server!

) and I have known this clan for absolutely ages now, I never want to have to quit the clan and I hope it continues to live on, but it feels weird to me because I have been in this clan for a long time and as you all know I am very active on the forums and usually trying to answer as many peoples questions as I can or trying to organise a clan knight etc etc and I'd love to be able to continue to do all of these things along with a higher rank within this clan, I feel as though I am a bit of a noob (at the game more than anything else) and so it probably looks a bit weird when you compare my forum me and my server me. Anyways Im going off on one now about stuff you probably wont read cause its boring
So yeah, if you're still offering Kak?