Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #26053  by Scythe
So... i bought GoW for pc a couple days after it came out. Honestly, it still has a lot of bugs, can get stuck in walls if your not careful ( i was searching for tags) Also apparently i'm not the only one its happened to... but, There are 2 ways to exit the game, Quit to Menu and exit, or Quit. If you choose just regular quit there is a good chance you will lose ALL game file progress (you'll keep achievements on Live) and you'll have to start all over, but if you choose quit to menu you are normally safe. Otherwise the gameplay is good as ever and who doesn't love a chainsaw at the end of a gun. For those thinking of still getting it, i suggest you keep an eye out for when patches for the game come out, you'll be needing them.

 #26310  by Melissa
yeah I heard its got serious problems

Tbh I am going to avoid, i will get either Cod4 ... but if i get a good graphics card or sis gets one Crysis looks like the best FPS atM shame dont have the card to suit :(

 #26337  by Chantelle
Is it only on Windows 6.0?